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PDF Office/PDF Master/Beta/KMNBetaFeedbackWindowController.swift

@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class KMNBetaFeedbackWindowController: KMNBaseWindowController, NSWindowDelegate
         stateLabel.stringValue = "* " + KMLocalizedString("Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation.")
         feedbackLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Feedback(required)")
         feedbackTextView.km_placeholderString = KMLocalizedString("Please describe your suggestions in detail so that we can better improve our product.")
-        addFileLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Picture(optional)")
+        addFileLabel.stringValue = KMLocalizedString("Add or delete documents")
         var toolTips = "- " + KMLocalizedString("Limit file size to 20M, upload up to 10 files")
         toolTips = toolTips + "\n" + "- " + KMLocalizedString("No limitations on file formats ( PDF, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, TXT, HTML, MP4, Images and so on)")

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PDF Office/PDF Master/KMClass/KMPDFViewController/KMPDFMenuConfig.swift

@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ let PDFViewMenuIdentifier_Edit_Reset = "PDFViewMenuIdentifier_Edit_Reset"
     class func editPastNoStyleProperty(theEvent:NSEvent?,listView:CPDFListView?)->ComponentMenuitemProperty {
         let propertie_Menuitem: ComponentMenuitemProperty = ComponentMenuitemProperty(keyEquivalent: "⇧⌘V",
-                                                                                       text: KMLocalizedString("Paste unformatted Text"),
+                                                                                       text: KMLocalizedString("Paste Unformatted Text"),
                                                                                        identifier: PDFViewMenuIdentifier_Edit_NoStylePaste,representedObject: listView)
         return propertie_Menuitem
@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@ let PDFViewMenuIdentifier_Edit_Reset = "PDFViewMenuIdentifier_Edit_Reset"
             keyEquivalent: nil,text: KMLocalizedString("B2 Small Text"),identifier: PDFViewMenuIdentifier_Edit_FontB2Name,
                                                                                     representedObject: listView)
         let subItem5Property: ComponentMenuitemProperty = ComponentMenuitemProperty(
-            keyEquivalent: nil,text: KMLocalizedString("B3 Describtion"),identifier: PDFViewMenuIdentifier_Edit_FontB3Name, representedObject: listView)
+            keyEquivalent: nil,text: KMLocalizedString("B3 Description"),identifier: PDFViewMenuIdentifier_Edit_FontB3Name, representedObject: listView)

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PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/ja.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -3652,7 +3652,7 @@
 "PDF Reader Pro Team has incorporated your suggestions into consideration." = "PDF Reader Pro チームは、あなたの提案を考慮して取り入れました。";
 "Your attachments are strictly confidential and will only be used for the current operation."= "إن添付ファイルは極秘に扱われ、現在の操作にのみ使用されます。";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "ログイン";
-"Paste unformatted Text" = "書式設定されていないテキストを貼り付ける";
+"Paste Unformatted Text" = "書式設定されていないテキストを貼り付ける";
 "Batch Compress" = "バッチ圧縮";
 "Advanced Optimization" = "高度な最適化";

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PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4570,7 +4570,7 @@
 "Feedback to get a %@ Coupon" = "参与测评获取%@优惠券";
 "Feedback to get a" = "参与测评获取";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "解锁权益";
-"Paste unformatted Text" = "粘贴无格式文本";
+"Paste Unformatted Text" = "粘贴无格式文本";
 "Batch Compress" = "批量压缩";
 "Advanced Optimization" = "自定义压缩参数";

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PDF Office/PDF Master/Strings/zh-Hant.lproj/Localizable.strings

@@ -4468,7 +4468,7 @@
 "Feedback to get a %@ Coupon" = "參與測評取得%@優惠券";
 "Feedback to get" = "參與測評取得";
 "Unlock Benefits" = "解鎖權益";
-"Paste unformatted Text" = "贴上无格式文本";
+"Paste Unformatted Text" = "贴上无格式文本";
 "Batch Compress" = "批量壓縮";
 "Advanced Optimization" = "自訂壓縮參數";