@@ -59,10 +59,12 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
@IBOutlet weak var applyButton: NSButton!
@IBOutlet weak var lastPriceLabel: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var lastPriceLabel1: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var discountView: NSView!
@IBOutlet weak var discountLabel: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var discountLabel1: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var paySumLabel: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var paySumLabel1: NSTextField!
+ @IBOutlet weak var discountLayoutConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
@IBOutlet weak var privacyLabel: NSTextField!
@@ -255,7 +257,7 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
oneLicenseLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Manually renew at USD 14.99", comment: "")
} else {
- pdfReaderProLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("PDF Reader Pro for Mac", comment: "")
+ pdfReaderProLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("I have a coupon ?", comment: "")
prmiumLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Premium and PDF to Office Converter", comment: "")
oneLicenseLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("One License for One Mac. One Time Purchase.", comment: "")
@@ -319,22 +321,33 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
paySumLabel1.textColor = NSColor(named: "KMPurchaseCouponColor")
paySumLabel1.font = NSFont.SFProTextBoldFont(24.0)
+ privacyLabel.isEditable = false
+ privacyLabel.isSelectable = true
+ privacyLabel.allowsEditingTextAttributes = true
privacyLabel.textColor = NSColor.black
+ privacyLabel.font = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(16.0)
let tipsString = NSLocalizedString("Are you a student or a professor? %@ / Want a volume purchase? Please %@.", comment: "")
let specialOffer = NSLocalizedString("Get Special Offer", comment: "")
let contactsUs = NSLocalizedString("Contact Us", comment: "")
let fullString = String(format: tipsString, specialOffer, contactsUs)
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: fullString)
+ // 定义链接的范围
let specialOfferRange = (fullString as NSString).range(of: specialOffer)
let contactsUsRange = (fullString as NSString).range(of: contactsUs)
- attributedString.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: NSColor(red: 73/255.0, green: 130/255.0, blue: 230/255.0, alpha: 1.0), range: specialOfferRange)
- attributedString.addAttribute(.link, value: "GetSpecialOffer://", range: specialOfferRange)
- attributedString.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: NSColor(red: 73/255.0, green: 130/255.0, blue: 230/255.0, alpha: 1.0), range: contactsUsRange)
- attributedString.addAttribute(.link, value: "www.baidu.com", range: contactsUsRange)
-// attributedString.addAttributes([.link : "www.baidu.com"], range: contactsUsRange)
+ let linkColor = NSColor(red: 73/255.0, green: 130/255.0, blue: 230/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
+ let font = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(16.0) // 与普通文本相同的字体
+ attributedString.addAttributes([
+ .foregroundColor: linkColor,
+ .link: NSLocalizedString("https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store?mode=edu", comment: ""),
+ .font: font
+ ], range: specialOfferRange)
+ attributedString.addAttributes([
+ .foregroundColor: linkColor,
+ .link: NSLocalizedString("https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/vpp-purchase-program", comment: ""),
+ .font: font
+ ], range: contactsUsRange)
+ attributedString.addAttribute(.font, value: font, range: (fullString as NSString).range(of: fullString))
privacyLabel.attributedStringValue = attributedString
- privacyLabel.font = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(16.0)
- privacyLabel.delegate = self
billInformationLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Bill Information", comment: "")
billInformationLabel.textColor = NSColor(named: "KMPurchaseTitleColor1")
@@ -356,23 +369,33 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
paymentMethodLabel.textColor = NSColor(named: "KMPurchaseTitleColor1")
paymentMethodLabel.font = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(14.0)
wechatPayButton2.isHidden = true
+ payExplainLabel.isEditable = false
+ payExplainLabel.isSelectable = true
+ payExplainLabel.allowsEditingTextAttributes = true
payExplainLabel.textColor = NSColor.black
+ payExplainLabel.font = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(11.0)
let localizedString = NSLocalizedString("By submitting this order, I agree to the %@ and %@ for subscription products", comment: "")
let privacyPolicy = NSLocalizedString("Privacy Policy", comment: "")
let termsOfService = NSLocalizedString("Terms of Service", comment: "")
let fullString1 = String(format: localizedString, privacyPolicy, termsOfService)
let attributedString1 = NSMutableAttributedString(string: fullString1)
- let privacyPolicyRange = (fullString as NSString).range(of: privacyPolicy)
- let termsOfServiceRange = (fullString as NSString).range(of: termsOfService)
- attributedString1.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: NSColor(red: 73/255.0, green: 130/255.0, blue: 230/255.0, alpha: 1.0), range: privacyPolicyRange)
- attributedString1.addAttribute(.link, value: "PrivacyPolicy://", range: privacyPolicyRange)
- attributedString1.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: NSColor(red: 73/255.0, green: 130/255.0, blue: 230/255.0, alpha: 1.0), range: termsOfServiceRange)
-// attributedString1.addAttribute(.link, value: "TermsofService://", range: termsOfServiceRange)
- attributedString1.addAttributes([.link : "www.baidu.com"], range: termsOfServiceRange)
- payExplainLabel.attributedStringValue = attributedString
- payExplainLabel.font = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(11.0)
- payExplainLabel.delegate = self
+ let privacyPolicyRange = (fullString1 as NSString).range(of: privacyPolicy)
+ let termsOfServiceRange = (fullString1 as NSString).range(of: termsOfService)
+ let linkColor1 = NSColor(red: 73/255.0, green: 130/255.0, blue: 230/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
+ let font1 = NSFont.SFProTextRegularFont(11.0) // 与普通文本相同的字体
+ attributedString1.addAttributes([
+ .foregroundColor: linkColor1,
+ .link: NSLocalizedString("https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/privacy-policy", comment: ""),
+ .font: font1
+ ], range: privacyPolicyRange)
+ attributedString1.addAttributes([
+ .foregroundColor: linkColor1,
+ .link: NSLocalizedString("https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/terms_of_service", comment: ""),
+ .font: font1
+ ], range: termsOfServiceRange)
+ attributedString1.addAttribute(.font, value: font1, range: (fullString1 as NSString).range(of: fullString1))
+ payExplainLabel.attributedStringValue = attributedString1
paypalBuyNowLabel.stringValue = NSLocalizedString("Buy Now", comment: "")
paypalBuyNowLabel.textColor = NSColor.white
@@ -651,6 +674,11 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
lastPriceLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, originalTotalPrice)
discountLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, discountAmount1)
paySumLabel1.stringValue = String(format: "%@ %@", abbreviation, discountTotalPrice)
+ if Float(discountAmount1) == 0 {
+ discountView.isHidden = true
+ discountLayoutConstraint.constant = discountView.isHidden ? -CGRectGetHeight(discountView.bounds) : 8
+ }
// MARK: Active
@@ -663,7 +691,9 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
if sender.tag == 1 {
- pdfCount += 1
+ if pdfCount < 9999 {
+ pdfCount += 1
+ }
if pdfCount > 1 {
removeButton1.isEnabled = true
@@ -1424,16 +1454,22 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
// }
// self.handler = handler
// }
- // MARK: - Notification
+extension KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSTextFieldDelegate {
func controlTextDidEndEditing(_ obj: Notification) {
let textField = obj.object as? NSTextField
if textField == amountTextField1 {
if !isNumeric(textField!.stringValue) {
if textField == amountTextField1 { textField?.stringValue = String(pdfCount) }
} else {
- if textField == amountTextField1 { pdfCount = Int(textField!.stringValue) ?? 1 }
+ if textField == amountTextField1 {
+ pdfCount = Int(textField!.stringValue) ?? 1
+ if Int(textField!.stringValue)! > 9999 {
+ pdfCount = 9999
+ textField?.stringValue = String(pdfCount)
+ }
+ }
if pdfCount > 100 {
wechatPayButton2.isHidden = false
cardButton.isHidden = true
@@ -1453,31 +1489,6 @@ class KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowController {
-extension KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSTextFieldDelegate {
- func textView(_ textView: NSTextView, clickedOnLink link: Any, at charIndex: Int) -> Bool {
- if let url = link as? String {
- switch url {
- case "GetSpecialOffer://":
- NSWorkspace.shared.open(URL(string: NSLocalizedString("https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/store?mode=edu", comment: ""))!)
- break
- case "ContactUs://":
- NSWorkspace.shared.open(URL(string: NSLocalizedString("https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/vpp-purchase-program", comment: ""))!)
- break
- case "PrivacyPolicy://":
- NSWorkspace.shared.open(URL(string: "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/privacy-policy")!)
- break
- case "TermsofService://":
- NSWorkspace.shared.open(URL(string: "https://www.pdfreaderpro.com/terms_of_service")!)
- break
- default:
- break
- }
- }
- return true
- }
extension KMPurchaseEmbeddedWindowController: NSWindowDelegate {