@@ -211,8 +211,11 @@ extension KMBatchProcessingView: KMBatchProcessingViewAction {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.alertStyle = .informational
- alert.informativeText = KMLocalizedString("Remove Files from your Recent Files?")
- alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("The file will disappear from the recent list.")
+ if self.tableView.selectModels.count != 0 {
+ alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("Are you sure you want to delete the selected image files?")
+ } else {
+ alert.messageText = KMLocalizedString("Are you sure you want to delete all the image files?")
+ }
alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("Delete"))
alert.addButton(withTitle: KMLocalizedString("Cancel"))
alert.showsSuppressionButton = true